Dear visitor,
this site,, non ha pretesa di periodicità e non rappresenta una testata giornalistica.
Unless otherwise specified, the contents are intended as produced by Turbo Media by Nicola Andreetto.
If you find an infringement of your rights, please report it to me
Creative Commons Attribution – Noncommercial – Share Alike, cite the source, do not make money with my work.
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Advertising on this site
On this site I have abolished advertising. There are no banners, they are not here “guest post” or commissioned articles. This does not mean that there is no room for companies to collaborate, but always in a useful and constructive way for the reader.
Usually this happens with reviews: companies entrust me with a product to test, but it is NEVER required of them any financial commitment. This is crucial for two reasons: the first is the freedom to express opinions about the product or service being reviewed and the second is respect for those who are reading or listening to this news report.
There are also special projects, which are typically found in the section Inspirations or in sections created ad hoc, which also provide for an economic collaboration. In this case it is always specified that the content is produced “in collaborazione con”. If this wording is not present, the published content is produced exclusively by Turbo Media di Nicola Andreetto without any participation by other realities.
In any case, it is always Nicola Andreetto's Turbo Media that holds the full copyrights of what has been published.
Thanks for the attention,
Nicola aka Motoreetto