Nothing Christmas gifts?

Temperatures falling and rising traffic: signals that Santa Claus is coming in a gallop. Just a few days appointment, so a question arises: why on earth I have not yet talked about the gifts?

Auto perpetually in columns on the route of shopping centers. Rotonde choked with fumes that rise into the sky. Horn and bickering for a more vague sense of precedence. This is now the framework of the days that precede Christmas, nothing but white snow that falls from the sky, angelic choirs and tons of material goodness.

Other than all better, at Christmas we are all better sclerati!

Among the first things that I introduced when I opened my blog and mio canale YouTube – more than five years ago! – there was a special on Christmas Gifts for Motorcyclists.

It seemed like a good idea to give advice not so much to motorcyclists but who stands to make a Christmas gift to a biker. Some straight to go without fail, not spend too, save time and, with the on-line purchase, Also traffic.

Today all offer their own list of suggested gifts, because it is content that works. While the format has caught on, it is equally true that I have abandoned the last year.

And this year are more than ever convinced of my choice even if, from a purely economic point of view and opportunities, I would agree the opposite and make deals with the e-shop.
Perciò – in order not to spend everything to fool – I decided to explain my decision.

An ethical issue. unprofessional, but personal.

I thought long, in realtà, whether he should or not to talk about it. Then I thought that I like to have a sincere relationship and not hide anything and that, perhaps, my conclusions may type of stimulus.

So why not do the list of Christmas gifts for bikers?

The answer is as simple as, I realize, subversive. And it's… Because you do not need REALLY.

At most needed to feed a market that produces in excess of necessity gives illusions. They falsify the pleasure of giving to give. We convince, after all, that our model based on consumption and economic growth, is still valid.

After all we live well, do not?

Ecco, I think not .... O, almeno, we could live better.

For some Christmas I do not material gifts when not expressly required. The only exception are the children: they can ask whatever they want.

Do not get me wrong: a motorcyclist – as for anyone with a passion, an hobby – there are always a multitude of useful things and many others that maybe are not fundamental, but ... I am beautiful.

And I still pregiarmi talking about it and describe them with my work. Because I believe that a rider must learn to choose what they really need, must learn to select, in other words, should become aware.

Also because often purchases covering the bike also require the medium to high budget, some financial sacrifice, therefore it is important not to waste their money.

At Christmas, however,, talking about the other. We talk about "look good on a budget”. Bullshits.

In the sense that we end up just to give crap.

Often it produced in the Far East without any environmental ethics and social.

I told you it was an ethical issue.

But it's not just this. I am increasingly convinced that owning fewer objects help us to live better and to live them better.

Just in the era of excess material availability, choose only what we need and we like it REALLY is a revolutionary act.

Giving things mean, per me, impose an object other then a weight, something that did not choose but it will feel compelled to carry.

And this would be a demonstration of affection or friendship?

But it's nice to give gifts. Being able to give to others is one of the greatest pleasures of life. So ... what to do?

And now ... What a Christmas gift to my biker friend?

I told you what NOT Gift. That things – perdona il gioco di parole. But there are many other gifts that you can do. Now what counts is not so much the budget, As your involvement.

Give your time, your attention

Do you have something priceless because very limited: your time. Put it available, do you feel your presence, Share your skills. Instead of spending time at the mall, you're with your friend or the person you want to make the gift. wanting (or less) spend time with him / her will understand both how much you care REALLY.

Give an experience

Want to own a memory that remains over time? Instead of an object Like Experience. Organize a bike ride together, Step accompany him on that which has never gone or, perché no, offer him the driving course that could make it a better biker or iscrivilo with you to that motocavalcata that he never had the courage to face alone. For example my brother a year I offered a ride the two of us and our bikes on the Stelvio complete with dinner and sleep in a refuge: 48 ore assieme on the road. I am sure that an experience like this remains much more impressed and years your biker will remember with pleasure and gratitude. My brother, in fact, I often ask: when we do it again?

Give solidarity

Motorcyclists are famous for their generosity and for being often at the forefront in helping others. I am sure that your gesture will be appreciated. Today there really are countless good reasons to adhere to for himself and his friend / friend, motorcyclist and many ways to do. For example this year I'll give the adoption of trees Treedom and, per me, ask for support CUAMM Doctors With Africa instead give me any other object.

I hope you have found this challenging my cue, if you like share it, talk to your friends and let me know what you think. I'll leave you to think on your list of Christmas gifts and let you my best wishes.

  1. Congratulations!! Finally someone who understands him… already two years that I repeat the same things to all, especially to my family. I have a house full of things that I do not need and do not know where to put, what is missing is instead just staying together. I prefer one message of greetings and know that someone thought of me yet another hat, sweater or other. Plenty of money down the drain when they could be used to help. Le tue parole dovrebbero essere lette e comprese da quante più persone possibile 🙂
    I thank you and….. approfitto per farti tanti tanti auguri 😉

      1. You are absolutely right, I too have stopped giving material gifts to friends and relatives, preferring occasions to be together or something else. I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas!!!

  2. The nice article on Christmas gifts that I have ever read!
    Kudos to the sensitivity and “peso” of your words, especially in this period of the year when it all comes down to frivolities useful only to make some rich (few) and people to starve (perhaps) other.

    Thanks and Greetings!

  3. Finally someone who speaks of “ethics”.
    I thought that this term had disappeared from the vocabulary of the Italian language.
    Perfectly agree with what you wrote. I recognize there are full.
    And while we're at… Merry Christmas!

  4. As they say emphasizing, even here in our Italy amidst a thousand difficulties… “You don't die of hunger because bread is expensive”… For Maldivian holidays, or for the sbk fork when you go to the cap and so on yes… Hello motor is… A motor-ride/alpine tent, to when?

  5. Completely agree but I think you can sign up for the CDP ( Panda club )
    Bravo and best wishes
    A presto

  6. Congratulations on your speech, but I would like to remind everyone that Christmas should always be., in this way I have decided to support DOCTORS WITHOUT FRONTIERS,And GREEN PEACE I don't say it to brag, in fact none of my friends are’ advised,but because I have found a way to help others. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  7. What a breath of fresh air, as if I had opened the helmet visor on a road in the woods in spring! I always say”It doesn't matter what or where, but with whom!”, so I greet you ideally with my arm and two fingers outstretched towards you as we pass each other on the street and I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  8. How true what you say! I've been thinking about it for years! I would also give a dream, which many don't do or have stopped doing. No one can take away our dreams and they are our life. I never want to stop dreaming. Best wishes to everyone and to you who wrote these beautiful words! Happy Holidays

  9. I tried it for a year, and I did as you are advising now, but I have not had much success in the family. However, since I don't like going around the shops, I ask everyone in the house to buy gifts for the others for me, so the spending is uncontrolled but at least I don't waste time. And ethics? Let's hope one day someone will tell me I was right, but for now I see it tough.

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