How many times would you have wanted to visit Melbourne but you could not? Well, the Remote Control Tourist will do it for you live.
Ok premetto: this time the engines have nothing to do, but does the adventure and the desire to travel, quindi non posso esimermi dal raccontarvi quest’iniziativa definita Remote Control Tourist.
L'e Australia Melbourne in particular, in the state of Victory, is one of the most popular destinations in recent times that attracts us with a mix of wild nature, quality of life and quell'esoticità of the promised land on the other side of the world. Andare a Melbourne, however,, it is not always easy and even if I had organized a trip is a good thing as well-informed. For this reason the tourist state of Victoria has come up with an initiative that would call brilliant: .
That is the first tourists remote-controlled via social media.
How it works is very simple: Special two tourists, equipped with camera and connection, turn to Melbourne ready to see, touch, try, bring everything from home users the “impose” to make, means Twitter the Facebook. The experience is transmitted live on the site and the interaction with the travelers is constant and continuous. The sociological experiment – is the case call it so – started on 9 October and will continue until 13 and is part of the campaign “Go before you go” with which the tourist intent Australian titillate the curiosity of potential tourists.
Visit Melbourne –
Tourism Victoria su Facebook –
Photo credit Tourism Victoria