Oggi è un buon giorno per essere felici

This time not talking motorcycle, ma la storia che ti racconto spero ti aprirà un pochino gli occhi. I met the group Families Dravet Syndrome and this is what they have taught me.

You never stop learning, especially from people and especially when people are naturally so generous to offer all their experience and sensitivity even before you ask “what am I doing here?”. I've been to Pistoia for the annual meeting of the Group Families Dravet Syndrome (www.sindromedidravet.org). Until a few days ago even I knew the existence, I not even know there was a syndrome with this name and any Dravet, per me, He could be a painter of French Impressionism.

motoreetto meets dravet syndrome families group

instead the Dravet syndrome It is a genetic disease, for which there is still no cure. It occurs in the first year of life in otherwise healthy children born. It is a very rare form of epilepsy, with an incidence of 1 every 20-30.000, that is resistant to drugs and that precisely because of these exceptional effort to access the research it is public or private.


But in today's video I will not only introduce you to this disease, but show you what I felt going in person to this meeting with those affected by this epilepsy and his family. These people are united by the Dravet Syndrome but they are united by a great love of life. And that means that it is contagious.


Non ti preoccupare, in the video there is also room for some bikes. In addition to my noble steed that brought me up to the meeting in Pistoia, ci sono le Harley-Davidson di quei ragazzacci del H.O.G. Firenze Chapter che hanno presenziato all’appuntamento portando anche loro un carico di gioiosa passione per le due ruote.

Oggi, yeah right today, it is a good day to be happy. Do not wait for tomorrow.

Get to know and understand yourself diversity, just so we can help you search for a cure: www.sindromedidravet.org.

Click here toThe Facebook page of the association.

motor encounter dravet syndrome 2016 firenze hog
  1. Thank you for your presence, tell us about your skills and your sensitivity…

  2. The sindome of Davet my daughter and I live it every day, but we will not give up. ! People like you strengthen our resolve and convince us that we can always hope. Thanks for having seen with watchful eyes and for sharing with us the joy of living !

  3. Il tuo racconto del nostro incontro mi ha emozionato tanto, tantissimo. Sei riuscito a descrivere con tanta sensibilità la malattia e nello stesso tempo a trasmettere la nostra voglia di vivere, si, malgrado tutto, malgrado questa malattia “stronza”. And’ stato un onore avervi avuto con noi.

  4. Grazie Nicola, il video è veramente splendido. In pochi minuti descrive l’essenza di quel che siamo, cosa facciamo e contro chi combattiamo. La malattia è veramente “stronza” ma la solidarietà delle persone ci fa capire che “oltre i rami secchi il panorama è ancora bellissimo”
    Gabriele GFD Onlus

    1. Grazie Gabriele, continuiamo a guardare oltre i rami secchi, tutto ciò che ci distrae dalla bellezza della vita. Un abbraccio

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